Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, is well known for his habit of lying in the most blatant way possible. Recently, he claimed that no chemical weapons have been used in Syria since 2013, despite the …
Do We Need Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking involves the illegal trade of humans for exploitation in any manner. Some would be sold for sexual exploitation. In extreme cases, victims would be sold to sadistic employers for torture and eventual death. …
Forced Labour In Europe
Forced Labour: Imagine arriving at work in the belief that it would be a typical day. You get ready for a long day. Then all of a sudden, your manager walks by your office and …
Misogyny As Law
In some places, women are subjected to abuse to verify rape. Clowns wearing the guise of authority – insert two fingers into the vagina to check for vaginal laxity. You cannot rape a woman in …
1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5 Coupe
Imagine that you are a dictator in a North African country in the early 70s. Revolution is at the door, and people are looking for a dictator to shoot and maim. You need to escape …